Beehive Botanicals – Administrative Assistant

Position: Full-Time/Part-Time

Job Description: Comfortable with computers and learning new software, excellent phone skills, knowledge of Excel and Word, must be organized and have excellent time management skills.

View the full job description here.

Stop by Beehive Botanicals for an application
16297W Nursery Road, Hayward WI 54843
Email Call 715-634-4274

HLVCB & HACC – Summer Information Specialist at the Hayward Information Center

Position: Part-time Summer Position (Memorial Day to Labor Day), plus training in May, Additional opportunities available in the fall. 9am – 5pm.

Description: Looking for candidates who have excellent communication skills, are self-motivated, well-organized and have outgoing personalities to be a friendly and helpful face representing the Hayward Lakes Visitors and Convention Bureau (HLVCB), the Hayward Area Chamber of Commerce (HACC), and the Hayward area in general to residents and visitors alike.

View the full job description here.

To apply: Email with your completed application, or stop in to pick up an application at the Hayward Information Center (Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm). 15805 US Hwy 63, Hayward, WI 54843